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Friday, November 30, 2007

Xmas EVE SE Themes

Still looking for next christmas mobile themes? i've found great xmas themes for SE cellphone. You can run this Christmas themes for Sony Ericsson cellphone listed below:

[click pictures to download files]

* Sony Ericsson K850i Themes / K850 Themes
* Sony Ericsson W960i Themes / W960 Themes
* Sony Ericsson K530i Themes / K530 Themes
* Sony Ericsson Z250i Themes / Z250 Themes
* Sony Ericsson W910i Themes / W910 Themes
* Sony Ericsson Z320i Themes / Z320 Themes

This xmas eve themes originally from mobile9. You can get it for free.

[Download Xmas Eve Themes]

[images source: http://gallery.mobile9.com/f/290955/]

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cellphone Themes Download Search Term [again]

cool Cellphone background[images from istockphoto.com]

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My PSP Themes

Naruto PSP Themes
Today i've created new blog based on blogspot engine. My free PSP Themes blog. Like this cellphone themes blog, i've collect many PSP themes from the net, i want to share it with all of you. You can download PSP Themes for free. The first PSP themes, is Naruto themes for PSP. Yes... its a great themes for your PSP. You can play Naruto Games inside, while the Naruto themes is also outside. You can go there now to see my new PSP themes Blog. Update: Now you also can visit the similar topic on my another PSP Theme blog and find the new vista psp themes or iphone psp themes.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Pink W580i Sony Ericsson

After the w910i cellphone, SE (Sony Ericsson) has launch another cute cellphone. With pink colors, and stylish design. SE pink W580i walkman phone New cellphone from sony ericsson. Do you want to see the w580i pink pictures? You can see it rith here. I'm still looking for free w580i themes and its background / wallpaper, maybe i'll find it for you next time.

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Samsung BlackJack II

Samsung BlackJack II

Samsung has released their new blackjack, Called Samsung Blackjack II.

Launch to market with only around USD 150. Samsung and AT&T will managed to keep the Samsung Blackjack II price at low price with two years contract and mail-in rebate.

This Blackjack II will be available in AT&T retail stores nationwide, on www.att.com and through AT&T’s business-to-business sales teams.

samsung blackjack II

[via SlashPhone]

Thursday, November 22, 2007

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Xmas Themes for Nokia Cellphone

Another Xmas Themes for your cellphone. After yesterday nokia christmas themes, i've found another cool themes for your cellphone. And you can get it for free. This is the screen shot for this Xmas themes. This themes is originally from mobile9.

source: http://gallery.mobile9.com/f/292616/

You can install this xmas themes for:

* Series 60 3rd Edition Themes
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Monday, November 12, 2007

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Motorola MPx220 Themes and other smartphone themes

This cool smartphone winters tale themes is free. You can get it also for others smartphone, such as:

  • Smartphone Themes
  • Motorola MPx220 Themes
  • O2 Xphone II Themes
  • Orange SPV C500 Themes
  • Motorola MPx200 Themes

This themes is originally from mobile9. this smartphone themes already download by 13522 times

images sources: http://gallery.mobile9.com/f/66230/

Friday, November 9, 2007

Christmas Nokia Themes

Waiting for christmas?? yeah... next month will be christmas day. You can completed your christmas day by using christmas themes for your cellphone. This themes is originally from mobile9. You can use it for free. Look at the christmas themes for nokia screen shot. I think its cool santa cartoon for your nokia cellphone.

Christmas Nokia Themes

You can install this cool santa themes for:

* Series 40 3rd Edition Themes
* Nokia 6280 christmas Themes
* Nokia 6270 christmas Themes
* Nokia 6111 christmas Themes
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* Nokia 7370 Themes
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If you're still looking for christmas gift, why you dont search buy via amazon (aff) below.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Motorola Q9h Smartphone Review

Motorola Q9h smartphone, new smartphone from motorola.adopting qwerty keyboard and large screen, this Motorola Q9h supports quad-ban communication functionality, video capture with 30 fps. Only with 11,8mm thikness, this motorola Q9h smartphone launch by motorola during CTIA 2007.

motorola q9h

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Latest Nokia Themes

In this nov, i still looking for best themes for free download. For a while, here are the latest nokia themes from this blog that you can get for free.

N70 Themes and Other Nokia

Apple Mac OS X Nokia Themes (nokia mac themes)

HAlloween Nokia Themes

You can download those themes for nokia cellphone. But, pls see your nokia cellphone type, make sure it is compatible for your cellphone.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

VW Coupe Pocket PC Themes

vw coupe wallpaper
This is the first Pocket PC Themes at my cellphone themes blog. You can use this themes for your pocket pc themes. Of course, you can download thic pocket pc themes 100 percent free. This themes is originally from mobile9.

image source: http://gallery.mobile9.com/f/241216/

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nokia N810

nokia ready to launch the Nokia N810. This N810 featured with integrated GPS receiver and also Bluetooth and WiFi connection. Designed more slim than the N800, this Nokia N810 has faster connection than the N800. Not only GPS, bluetooth and wifi, N810 completed with slide-out qwerty keyboard, full touch screen, FM transmitter and a light-sensing screen dimmer.

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